Featured Services
Sale of Live Crawfish

By rearing the brood stock in our high tech indoor facility, our crawfishes benefit from a wide range of controlled environmental conditions. Our brood stock live in the best stable conditions including optimal temperatures, pH, oxygen levels, pro-bacterial loads as well as enjoy the multiple benefits from our propriety technology. This combined with our specially formulated high quality feed, which provides a complete and nutritious diet makes the brood stock genetically stronger and better equipped to handle the stresses that are commonly encountered in commercial grow-out conditions.
In the third quarter of 2021, we plan to build the world’s largest Crawfish Brood Stock Multiplication Centre in Singapore housing up to 100,00 pairs of high quality SPF brood stock.
Breeding Program Objectives:
Identify and accentuate fast growth and disease resistance traits.
Minimize the potential of negative side effects of inbreeding.
Improve fecundity by identifying brooders that exhibit consistently high spawning rates.
Genetic Mapping to identify laggards and those with environmental tolerance capabilities.
Improve meat quality and ratio as well as colour alteration to suit certain markets.
Crawfish Growth Hacking Technology

Singapore Crawfish (SGCF) pioneers modern vertical aquaculture system and it boasts an R&D and engineering team that has the capability to install and fabricate customized systems for crawfish breeding and cultivation. Coupled with the state of the art technologies and techniques in crawfish rearing, this synergy allows SGCF to improve the quantity and quality of production and at the same time, effectively cutting down on energy cost and labour.
With our patented Crawfish Birthing System incorporated, our hatchery has less reliance on resources. This makes our hatchery much more sustainable and has much less impact on our environment. Some of the other innovative technologies we have integrated into our hatchery are a remote monitoring and control system, crawfish health monitoring and management program, and a multi-level water treatment system.
We franchise our hatchery along with our patented Crawfish Birthing System to developing countries all around the world.
All our systems are modular and can be resized to fit the supply and demand of our franchisees.

At Singapore crawfish, our researchers have developed a high-quality crawfish feed by combining 18 special ingredients, delivered without artificial preservatives and rich in essential amino acids. Our specialized feed is produced sustainably and it contains a crude protein that is superior to commonly used feed ingredients; it is highly digestible, rich in protein, vitamins and minerals. Our crawfish feed has been developed by non-other than the world’s most recognised aqua feed nutritionist Dr Albert Tacon, specifically for crawfish use.
Our crawfish feed has demonstrated superiority over traditional fish meal-based shrimp feeds in survivability, growth and disease remediation. It provides excellent survivability, immune system support and superior growth. This has been demonstrated in both controlled lab tests and third-party pond trials.
Our feed wholly meets the nutritional requirements of the crawfish throughout their lifecycle.
We are in the process of developing our broodstock feed as brood stock nutrition has a profound influence on the fecundity levels affecting the quantity, quality and performance of the offspring. At our research facility, we are carefully balancing the essential nutrients is vital for ensuring breeder conditioning, optimal sperm and egg development while providing sufficient energy to aid in the birthing of crawfish fries.